I/O graph X-Axis limited to 250000s ?
On Wireshark 3.4.4, graph stops after 250000s
Is it a known limit or am I missing something to load/graph it further ?
Thanks !
@PacketDetective answered me on Twitter : I believe that 250,000 plot points has always been the limit. See Jim Young's reference to that in bug report 11693 https://www.wireshark.org/lists/wires...
Changing the interval to 1 min did it and helped to graph full trace.
So max length to graph is 250000x10min (max interval) -> 4.7 years -> I'm fine with this !
For me it is not in all cases fine. Because...
If i use a resolution of 1ms or 10ms the value of 250000 is reached quite fast.
It would be great if we would be able to slide the plot window somehow. Then the value would be more than sufficient.
Asked: 2021-05-27 10:08:59 +0000
Seen: 423 times
Last updated: May 27 '21