2021-10-13 01:29:02 +0000 | asked a question | Intermittent VOIP issues Intermittent VOIP issues User complained of the following problem outgoing call , not ringing but it the phone was showi |
2021-06-24 15:25:40 +0000 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2021-05-19 14:49:08 +0000 | commented answer | IGMP v3 Ip ID The MAC addresses are real the capture was taken using a tap |
2021-05-18 18:35:20 +0000 | asked a question | IGMP v3 Ip ID IGMP v3 Ip ID Can anyone explain why IP id 76 keeps getting reused in this packet capture https://drive.google.com/file |
2021-03-03 20:51:49 +0000 | received badge | ● Rapid Responder (source) |
2021-03-03 20:51:49 +0000 | answered a question | 17 second delay Figured it out with vendors help Microsoft issue |
2021-03-02 21:43:25 +0000 | asked a question | 17 second delay 17 second delay trying to figure out why there is a 17 sec delay packet 7 does it have something to do with the reassemb |
2020-11-09 18:55:57 +0000 | asked a question | 4 second delay 4 second delay Trying to figure out this pattern where the client has a delay of 4 seconds every 7th packet here is the |
2020-07-30 19:47:13 +0000 | asked a question | Softphone having Issues Over VPN Softphone having Issues Over VPN Users at home having issues connecting with Soft Phones over VPN here is the link for t |
2020-03-30 15:21:53 +0000 | asked a question | Client loses connection to server according to vendor Client loses connection to server according to vendor I have attached packet capture https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QX |
2019-08-07 20:55:36 +0000 | commented question | Server Response Time is slow Here is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kVFDpr_nGcTUS88NvVZmF6y5HcnZjtJY/view?usp=sharing I am curious starti |
2019-08-05 23:44:50 +0000 | received badge | ● Rapid Responder |
2019-08-05 23:44:50 +0000 | answered a question | Server Response Time is slow Capture was taken at the server side the packet capture was sliced when saved here is the link to the capture showing th |
2019-08-05 01:57:27 +0000 | asked a question | Server Response Time is slow Server Response Time is slow Trying to figure out why this server slows down and takes 24 sec. to reply packet capture c |