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2024-06-12 15:57:52 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-05-27 18:46:40 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-12-08 15:41:49 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-12-08 15:41:49 +0000 answered a question Android Btsnooz_hci.log file always "Damaged or Courrupt"

Managed to make it work by: 1. Enabling Bluetooth HCI snooping in the developer options 2. Running adb shell 3. Live cap

2023-12-08 15:00:51 +0000 commented question Android Btsnooz_hci.log file always "Damaged or Courrupt"

If I'm understanding things correctly, that conversation is referring to needing a rooted device to capture these logs l

2023-12-08 07:23:42 +0000 asked a question Android Btsnooz_hci.log file always "Damaged or Courrupt"

Android Btsnooz_hci.log file always "Damaged or Courrupt" I'm trying to capture BLE HCI events for an Android device. I'

2023-11-24 05:02:01 +0000 commented answer Using BLE nRF Sniffer Plugin in Tshark

Actually, figured out how to use the utility on Mac to sniff the desired BLE packets. I also managed to compile an older

2023-11-24 05:01:42 +0000 commented answer Using BLE nRF Sniffer Plugin in Tshark

Actually, figured out how to use the utility on Mac to sniff the desired BLE packets. I also managed to compile an older

2023-11-24 00:56:02 +0000 commented answer Using BLE nRF Sniffer Plugin in Tshark

Seems like no matter what I do, I can only capture the packets after connection establishment using the nordic ble sniff

2023-11-24 00:50:39 +0000 commented answer Using BLE nRF Sniffer Plugin in Tshark

The BLE sniffer can be used with Tshark. See: I can capture advertising using the display filter

2023-11-22 22:20:54 +0000 asked a question Using BLE nRF Sniffer Plugin in Tshark

Using BLE nRF Sniffer Plugin in Tshark Hello, Is it possible to use the filtering options provided by the nRF52840 BLE

2023-11-21 20:07:26 +0000 marked best answer Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck


So I'm using the Nordic BLE sniffer with the included plugin to capture logs for a specific device. After sometime (sometimes a few minutes, sometimes a few hours) the logs suddenly stop coming in, even though the device is communicating over the air. The only way to start again is to restart the application.

Sometimes it ends with Anonymous as the source. See image:

I don't suspect it's the sniffer that's malfunctioning since resetting it doesn't fix the problem but restarting the Wireshark application does.

Any insight is appreciated

Another question: Does the Wireshark have a limit to the number of logs it captures/displays?

Thank you

2023-11-21 20:07:26 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2023-11-21 20:06:46 +0000 edited answer Tshark filter for device using Nordic BLE Sniffer

I.e., Is it possible to use the filtering entries provided by the Nordic BLE plugin in tshark?

2023-11-21 20:06:32 +0000 answered a question Tshark filter for device using Nordic BLE Sniffer

I.e., Is it possible to use the filtering entries provided by the Nordic BLE plugin in tashark?

2023-11-21 06:37:03 +0000 commented answer Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck

Turns out I had a defective sniffer. I have replaced it and seems to be functioning without issue now.

2023-11-17 17:16:15 +0000 edited question Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck

Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck Hello, So I'm using the Nordic BLE sniffer with the included plugin to capture logs for a

2023-11-17 17:15:07 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2023-11-17 17:15:07 +0000 edited question Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck

Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck Hello, So I'm using the Nordic BLE sniffer with the included plugin to capture logs for a

2023-11-17 17:14:16 +0000 asked a question Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck

Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck Hello, So I'm using the Nordic BLE sniffer with the included plugin to capture logs for a

2023-11-17 17:04:06 +0000 asked a question Tshark filter for device using Nordic BLE Sniffer

Tshark filter for device using Nordic BLE Sniffer Hello, So, I have a headless RPi where I'm trying to run Tshark to ca