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Nordic BLE Sniffer Logs Stuck

asked 2023-11-17 17:14:16 +0000

Anviori gravatar image

updated 2023-11-17 17:16:15 +0000


So I'm using the Nordic BLE sniffer with the included plugin to capture logs for a specific device. After sometime (sometimes a few minutes, sometimes a few hours) the logs suddenly stop coming in, even though the device is communicating over the air. The only way to start again is to restart the application.

Sometimes it ends with Anonymous as the source. See image:

I don't suspect it's the sniffer that's malfunctioning since resetting it doesn't fix the problem but restarting the Wireshark application does.

Any insight is appreciated

Another question: Does the Wireshark have a limit to the number of logs it captures/displays?

Thank you

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answered 2023-11-18 19:54:12 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

So I'm using the Nordic BLE sniffer with the included plugin to capture logs for a specific device. After sometime (sometimes a few minutes, sometimes a few hours) the logs suddenly stop coming in, even though the device is communicating over the air. The only way to start again is to restart the application.


I don't suspect it's the sniffer that's malfunctioning since resetting it doesn't fix the problem but restarting the Wireshark application does.

If it's not the sniffer, it's a Wireshark bug (even if there's some non-Wireshark-bug underlying problem, the fact that Wireshark just stops showing packets, rather than reporting the underlying problem, is a bug), so please report this as an issue on the Wireshark issues list.

Does the Wireshark have a limit to the number of logs it captures/displays?

Presumably you mean "packets" (a "log" is generally thought of as a capture file with multiple packets). There is a limit imposed by the widget that displays the packet list; Wireshark 3.2 and later impose a limit of 53 million packets to avoid the crash caused by exceeding that limit - instead, Wireshark stops reading the file and pops up a dialog box saying that too many packets are in the file so all additional packet will be discarded.

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Turns out I had a defective sniffer. I have replaced it and seems to be functioning without issue now.

Anviori gravatar imageAnviori ( 2023-11-21 06:37:03 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2023-11-17 17:14:16 +0000

Seen: 222 times

Last updated: Nov 18 '23