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2024-02-09 13:58:10 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-07-03 15:18:51 +0000 commented question why retransmisson of TCP handshake

It seems my laptop sends syn and 0.000016s later also sends tcp retransmission to ip Server Responde with

2023-07-03 15:16:18 +0000 commented question why retransmisson of TCP handshake

Unable to ass here image but as it seems my laptop sends syn and 0.000016s sends tcp retransmission to ip an

2023-06-23 16:50:14 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2023-06-23 16:50:14 +0000 edited question why retransmisson of TCP handshake

why retransmisson of TCP handshake Hi I am new to wireshark and use wire on my network and capture traffic via mikrotik

2023-06-23 16:20:59 +0000 asked a question why retransmisson of TCP handshake

why retransmisson of TCP handshake Hi I am new to wireshark and i am on wired network and capture traffic via mikrotik