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2024-09-17 17:09:30 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-09-17 17:09:30 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-03-24 18:42:16 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-04-08 13:58:55 +0000 commented answer What filter(s) to apply to decode a LCS message sent by UE in 5G?

I am using the below version on windows 10. Version 3.5.0rc0-1178-g71905c659789 (v3.5.0rc0-1178-g71905c659789)

2021-04-08 06:32:31 +0000 asked a question What filter(s) to apply to decode a LCS message sent by UE in 5G?

What filter(s) to apply to decode a LCS message sent by UE in 5G? We have the UE sending a LCS payload in the UL NAS Tra

2021-02-19 17:52:23 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-02-19 17:52:23 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-11-26 10:54:52 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-11-26 10:54:52 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-10-14 13:04:36 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-09-16 06:03:15 +0000 asked a question http2 port-range filter

http2 port-range filter With HTTP2, the packets can be filtered based on the specific ports mentioned in the protocol pr

2018-09-12 10:19:44 +0000 marked best answer How to view the extension bit, length etc in the decoded s1ap or ngap message?

In the decoded s1ap or ngap message, i would like to view fields such as the extension bit or bit mask set, the length of the data etc.. How do I set or enable this setting?

2018-09-12 06:35:00 +0000 edited question NGAP AllowedNSSAI IE not decoded correctly.

NGAP AllowedNSSAI IE not decoded correctly. The AllowedNSSAI IE in NGAP message Initial Context Setup Request (3GPP TS 3

2018-09-12 06:30:06 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-09-12 06:30:06 +0000 edited question NGAP AllowedNSSAI IE not decoded correctly.

NGAP AllowedNSSAI IE not decoded correctly. The AllowedNSSAI IE in NGAP message Initial Context Setup Request (3GPP TS 3

2018-09-12 06:06:48 +0000 asked a question NGAP AllowedNSSAI IE not decoded correctly.

NGAP AllowedNSSAI IE not decoded correctly. The AllowedNSSAI IE in NGAP message Initial Context Setup Request (3GPP TS 3

2018-09-12 05:58:05 +0000 commented answer How to view the extension bit, length etc in the decoded s1ap or ngap message?

Thanks Anders.

2018-09-11 14:12:18 +0000 asked a question How to view the extension bit, length etc in the decoded s1ap or ngap message?

How to view the extension bit, length etc in the decoded s1ap or ngap message? In the decoded s1ap or ngap message, i wo

2018-06-04 08:54:59 +0000 commented answer Is there a limit on the size of a xml file (containing 3gpp trace) that can be loaded on wireshark?

Yes, the format is according to 3GPP TS 32.423. When I shorten the file size by removing multiple traceRecSession's, the

2018-06-04 07:43:20 +0000 asked a question Is there a limit on the size of a xml file (containing 3gpp trace) that can be loaded on wireshark?

Is there a limit on the size of a xml file (containing 3gpp trace) that can be loaded on wireshark? A XML file containin

2018-04-25 08:30:09 +0000 marked best answer NTP timestamp display


I think there is some issue with the date display for NTP 64 bit timestamps in WS.

The startTimestamp with a higher hex value shows the year as 1983. However, the endTimestamp with a lower hex value shows 2076. Can someone please clarify how does this display work?

startTimestamp: 9c6a0500 (Feb 27, 1983 14:43:12 UTC)
endTimestamp: 4cb948f7 (Nov 21, 2076 13:09:11 UTC)

I am using the below version of wireshark: Version 2.9.0-262-g4f492559 (v2.9.0rc0-262-g4f492559)


2018-04-25 08:30:09 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-04-25 04:10:51 +0000 asked a question NTP timestamp display

NTP timestamp display Hi, I think there is some issue with the date display for NTP 64 bit timestamps in WS. The start