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Who has <IP address>? Tell <IP address> question

asked 2019-05-28 08:50:16 +0000

yash.rohilla gravatar image


I am facing a display issue in Wireshark where I do not see an ARP message in the format: Who has <dest ip="">? Tell <src ip="">

I do see all ARP traffic, however I just see the hardware addresses in the "Address" column and the date and time in the "Info" column. I would like to see the format I described in the title of this question.

Perhaps I'm just missing a column of some sort, but I recall Wireshark used to show ARP requests in the format described above.

Sorry for the silly question..


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I just uninstalled and re-installed Wireshark and made sure I removed all user preferences/settings while uninstalling. After the re-install I can confirm that I see the format that I require!

However, if someone has an answer to why I did not see it before I would be happy to learn!

yash.rohilla gravatar imageyash.rohilla ( 2019-05-28 09:00:00 +0000 )edit

I think the "I removed all user preferences/settings" part of your action solved the issue. You might have disabled the dissection of the arp protocol by accident.

SYN-bit gravatar imageSYN-bit ( 2019-05-28 09:56:34 +0000 )edit

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answered 2019-05-29 09:27:15 +0000

yash.rohilla gravatar image

As described in the comments: "uninstalled and re-installed Wireshark and made sure I removed all user preferences/settings while uninstalling. After the re-install I can confirm that I see the format that I require!"

SYN-bit provided the possible explanation that I might have disabled the dissection of the arp protocol.

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Asked: 2019-05-28 08:50:16 +0000

Seen: 5,707 times

Last updated: May 29 '19