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Does WireShark use developer plugins?

asked 2023-06-26 13:53:00 +0000

Mininno gravatar image

updated 2023-06-26 14:43:27 +0000

I believe the answer is no, if no then my hackers have added the plugin to the Wireshark application. I also show an alias version of Wireshark downloaded 4 days after I downloaded from Wireshark and that's when this plugin was implemented. I have zero control over my Apple MacBook Air as well as my iPhone and my children iPhone. Apple only will suggest to reset everything but I can't even open a file without the admin login which they changed my passwords for. So if anyone would like to investigate the activity I am describing please review the attachment. I have tried IC3 reports the local sheriff and no one will deal with it even though I can show access to my accounts and remote services to all devices. It's like a military operation to sum it up.

the file is encrypted for the most part but you can read what I am trying to ask. pg.2 shows the ipv6 Lengthspacket_lengthsDelineated Pg.3-4 shows the plug-in information. Pg.7 shows WireShark Developer

Thank you Mininno I apparently cannot upload the PDF so I will copy and paste some items.

Page 2.

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Page 7. 0y1-0+U $Developer ID Certification Authority1&0$U Apple Certification Authority10U Apple Inc.1 0 UUS0 181004211216Z 231005211216Z0ÅØ10 í&âìÚ,d 7Z6EMTD2C61J0HU ADeveloper ID Application: Wireshark Foundation, Inc. (7Z6EMTD2C6)10U 7Z6EMTD2C61#0!U Wireshark Foundation, Inc.1 0 UUS0Ç"0 ... (more)

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Please post the contents of the dialog produced from the menu option Help -> About Wireshark -> Wireshark using the handy "Copy to Clipboard" button.

It would also be handy to know the plugins loaded in your copy of Wireshark, they can be viewed in the Plugins tab of the dialog referred to above, or if you want a list, using the command tshark -G plugins from a command prompt.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2023-06-26 14:08:04 +0000 )edit

Hello grahamb,
I appoligize for the duplicate post and the lack of details. The question that is now closed by another admin shows some of the plug-ins I'm asking about. Unfortunately I can't access any files or utilities on the Mac . What I uploaded was from a email pdf copy . It's 11 pages long.

Mininno gravatar imageMininno ( 2023-06-26 14:20:43 +0000 )edit

I've no idea what you've attempted to post there. Is there a problem with the instructions from my previous comment?

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2023-06-26 15:12:08 +0000 )edit

What do you mean by "developer plugins"? Wireshark does support plugins in several places.

Guy Harris gravatar imageGuy Harris ( 2023-06-26 23:21:24 +0000 )edit

What I uploaded was from a email pdf copy .

What is it a PDF copy of? (And how did you copy it?)

Guy Harris gravatar imageGuy Harris ( 2023-06-26 23:22:48 +0000 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2023-06-27 21:57:07 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

I downloaded Wireshark on 6-2-23


The hack has total control of my MacBook, my iPhone and the iPhones and computers of my 2 kids. This has been goin on now for multiple years

OK, so the hack has nothing to do with Wireshark, unless you installed Wireshark several years ago; Wireshark is only involved in an attempt to see if any network traffic to and from your machine might have something to do with the hack.

The best thing to do about the hack is to take your machines (Mac and iPhones) to the Genius Bar at an Apple Store, or to a third-party Apple support service, and show the people there exactly what's happening. For example, since you "can't even open a file without the admin login which they changed my passwords for", show them exactly what happens when you try to open a file, and show them that the admin password that you had no longer works. Similarly, show them what the problems are with the iPhones.

Directly showing somebody the problem, rather than describing it over the phone to some tech support person, makes it a lot more immediately obvious what the problem is, so that they can give a better answer than just "reset everything".

So I looked at the plug-in file within the Wireshark package and found the plug in that I posted a few pdf pages from.

Yes, we do ship some plugins as part of Wireshark, so the answer to the question "does Wireshark use plugins" is "yes", not "no".

None of the plugins are PDFs; we do not ship any PDFs with Wireshark. I don't know what "download the plugin as a PDF" means; for one thing, the plugin in question isn't a separate download, it's part of Wireshark, and, for another thing, the plugin isn't a PDF, so at most you could give it a name that ends with ".pdf", but that doesn't make it into a PDF. (If I make a copy of that plugin, and give it a name that ends with ".pdf", neither Preview on Ventura, nor Acrobat Reader, will read it; they report it as being damaged, which really means "isn't even a PDF file" in this case.)

The stuff you posted looks like binary code files, which is what the Wireshark application, its libraries, and its compiled plugins are.

Some of the text that showed up in the file comes from text strings in the code for the plugin. In particular, "Range of packet sizes to count" is in the "Packet Lengths" plugin (Statistics > Packet Lengths), so that's the plugin you looked at - /Applications/, in the standard Wireshark 4.0 installation.

Other text corresponds to names of routines in various Wireshark libraries that are called by the plugin, so that the code in macOS that programs and library routines uses to load plugins can make the calls ... (more)

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answered 2023-06-26 15:11:39 +0000

hugo.vanderkooij gravatar image

If you bought the device but are no longer in control then it seems likely someone else is.

If you lack the skill to take back control take your devices to trusted party that can help you with this. But be aware you may loose some or all of your data and propably also some money to pay for the service.

This is not something relevant to wireshark as such.

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Asked: 2023-06-26 13:53:00 +0000

Seen: 246 times

Last updated: Jun 27 '23