How does Wireshark distinguish the client vs server packets?
I want to distinguish the client vs server packets in a TCP stream using pyshark. Before doing so, I want to know how Wireshark distinguishes client vs server packets in TCP streams. Has anyone done the same thing in pyshark ? Let me know.
Usually the client is the endpoint that initiates the connection. Easy for TCP, difficult for UDP.
(No luck finding the previous discussion.)
Sometimes it is assumed client port (ephemeral) number is larger than server port number.
And there ya go - hit send and suddenly Google foo works.
Why are some TCP conversations shown backwards/reversed?
I have captured pcap file from OT environment where many devices are talking at once. I need a solid base on how wireshark distinguishes the thing. Is it just port number or something else as well.
See also TCP: Conversations Statistics loyalty to connections initiators
When I do follow tcp stream, I see some packets being recognized falsely as client packet. For example, x11 event messages are generated by the server but it was put in the client side. The comparison of port seems good but does it always work like client ports are always larger. All I want is to distinguish incoming vs outgoing message belonging to the tcp stream. The first packet's incoming vs outgoing is an important part as the later packets can be labeled based on the first packet's information. what would be the most logical way to do so? @Chuckc and @grahamb