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How does wireshark distinguishes the client vs server packet?

I want to distinguish the client vs server packet in tcp stream using pyshark. Before doing so, I want to know how wireshark distinguishes client vs server packets in follow tcp streams. Has anyone done same thing in pyshark ? Let me know

How does wireshark distinguishes the client vs server packet?

I want to distinguish the client vs server packet in tcp stream using pyshark. Before doing so, I want to know how wireshark distinguishes client vs server packets in follow tcp streams. Has anyone done same thing in pyshark ? Let me know

How does wireshark distinguishes Wireshark distinguish the client vs server packet?packets?

I want to distinguish the client vs server packet packets in tcp a TCP stream using pyshark. pyshark. Before doing so, I want to know how wireshark Wireshark distinguishes client vs server packets in follow tcp TCP streams. Has anyone done the same thing in pyshark ? Let me knowknow.