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tshark rtp stream statistics prepends 0's to SSRC name

asked 2020-11-21 06:28:08 +0000

sharsamp05 gravatar image

When i run the command tshark -r <filename.pcap> -q -z rtp,streams, it generates the RTP statistics. However what i noticed is that when the statistics is generated if the SSRC for the RTP stream has less than 8 characters, tshark seems to be appending zeros to make it 8 characters long. The RTP packet does not have these appened zeros. Is there anyway i can make -z rtp,sterams option not do this formatting ?

Sample out: 8.213188 10.676959 36098 2332 0x00CA990A RTPType-103 122 2 (1.6%) 40.23 0.00 0.00 X

In the actual packet 0x00CA990A is 0xca990a. I do realize the hex vales are same, but any chance i can make this not get updated ?

Thanks in advance and hope every one is safe :)

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answered 2020-11-21 11:17:11 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

The SSRC is not a string of some sort, so does not have characters. The value is defined in RFC 3550 as 32 bits. The representation of these can be anything, usually it's done as a hexadecimal representation. This should always be interpreted as a 32 bits value, whatever the representation.

In short, no, this SSRC is not 'updated', these are all valid representations of a 32 bit value.

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Asked: 2020-11-21 06:28:08 +0000

Seen: 343 times

Last updated: Nov 21 '20