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Why do I keep getting the error, "No interfaces found"?

asked 2019-12-26 22:59:04 +0000

chrasto gravatar image

updated 2019-12-27 22:47:59 +0000

cmaynard gravatar image

I am repeatedly getting the error "No interfaces found" whilst upon launch of wireshark, any reasons behind this if so solutions to it?

About wireshark thingy:

Version 3.2.0 (v3.2.0-0-ge0ed4cfa3d72)

Copyright 1998-2019 Gerald Combs <[email protected]> and contributors. License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later <> This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Compiled (64-bit) with Qt 5.12.6, with WinPcap SDK (WpdPack) 4.1.2, with GLib 2.52.3, with zlib 1.2.11, with SMI 0.4.8, with c-ares 1.15.0, with Lua 5.2.4, with GnuTLS 3.6.3 and PKCS #11 support, with Gcrypt 1.8.3, with MIT Kerberos, with MaxMind DB resolver, with nghttp2 1.39.2, with brotli, with LZ4, with Zstandard, with Snappy, with libxml2 2.9.9, with QtMultimedia, with AirPcap, with SpeexDSP (using bundled resampler), with SBC, with SpanDSP, with bcg729.

Running on 64-bit Windows 10 (1809), build 17763, with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz (with SSE4.2), with 8102 MB of physical memory, with locale English_United States.1252, with light display mode, without HiDPI, with Npcap version 0.995, based on libpcap version 1.9.1-PRE-GIT, with GnuTLS 3.6.3, with Gcrypt 1.8.3, with brotli 1.0.2, without AirPcap, binary plugins supported (19 loaded). Built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (VC++ 14.24, build 28314).

Wireshark is Open Source Software released under the GNU General Public License.

Check the man page and for more information.
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Try upgrading to Npcap 0.9986 from the Npcap site.

Guy Harris gravatar imageGuy Harris ( 2019-12-26 23:24:25 +0000 )edit

Still no luck, restarted afterwards aswell but got same results

chrasto gravatar imagechrasto ( 2019-12-26 23:46:25 +0000 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2019-12-28 21:10:56 +0000

chrasto gravatar image

Ok so i decided to delete everything related to wireshark, npcap and all folders win npcap and winpcap till nothings left and ran a fresh new installation of wireshark, then installed the newest npcap and then it worked. Thank you all for the suggestions even if none came by to fix.

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answered 2019-12-27 12:07:59 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

This has come up a number of times over the lats year, did you look for similar questions?

For reasons unknown, the npcap install on some machines fails to start the driver.

From an "Administrator" command prompt enter the following to check the state of the npcap service:

sc queryex npcap

It's likely that will show the "STATE" as something other than "RUNNING". You can then try to start the driver using:

sc start npcap

On some systems, this fails to start the service (use the first command to check the status again), and if this occurs you'll have to contact the nmap support folks. You should also check the service has been started after a reboot.

You should also check the start options for the driver using:

sc qc npcap

which should show the "START_TYPE" as "SYSTEM_START". If this isn't the case then pursue it with the nmap support folks.

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First command:

        TYPE               : 1  KERNEL_DRIVER
        STATE              : 1  STOPPED
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 1077  (0x435)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
        PID                : 0
        FLAGS              :

Its stopped, so i attempted to do sc start npcap:

The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.

Second command:

        TYPE               : 1  KERNEL_DRIVER
        START_TYPE         : 4   DISABLED
        ERROR_CONTROL      : 1   NORMAL
        BINARY_PATH_NAME   : \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\npcap.sys
        TAG                : 22
        DISPLAY_NAME       : Npcap Packet Driver (NPCAP)
        DEPENDENCIES       :

Disabled, what do i do to enable it?

chrasto gravatar imagechrasto ( 2019-12-27 21:37:50 +0000 )edit

As Graham said, "...which should show the "START_TYPE" as "SYSTEM_START". If this isn't the case then pursue it with the nmap support folks."

So purse it with the nmap support folks.

Guy Harris gravatar imageGuy Harris ( 2019-12-27 22:08:01 +0000 )edit

The "correct" result to the query config command should be:

[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS

        TYPE               : 1  KERNEL_DRIVER
        START_TYPE         : 1   SYSTEM_START
        ERROR_CONTROL      : 1   NORMAL
        BINARY_PATH_NAME   : \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\npcap.sys
        TAG                : 73
        DISPLAY_NAME       : Npcap Packet Driver (NPCAP)
        DEPENDENCIES       :

In your case, before reinstalling, the start type was set to disabled, which will stop the service starting. For completeness, to modify the start type either use the services.msc GUI, or from an elevated command prompt use:

sc config npcap start= system

Note the spacing is deliberate, see the output of sc config /? for more info.

What would have been interesting, but is now not available due to your reinstall, is how the service came to be disabled. This has come up a few times and we're no further forward on resolving it.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2019-12-29 12:33:16 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2019-12-26 22:59:04 +0000

Seen: 896 times

Last updated: Dec 28 '19