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802.11 decryption on Wireshark 3.0.7

asked 2019-12-18 21:33:55 +0000

mg gravatar image

Hi everyone,

I think that this will be a very dumb question, but here I am, stuck at my packet capture. Little background:

These are my first steps in sniffing and packet captures. I 've made a packet capture of my wifi network, with airodump and obviously my Wireless NIC in monitor mode. Wireshark shows all the packets, correctly encrypted. There is also a good looking 4-way handshake. I direct myself in Edit->Preferences->Protocols->802.11 Radio/Radiotap and... No "enable decryption" switch.

Same situation on two different computers, one Mac and a Kalibox.

I forgot to enable something different? Why there's no place to enter the passphrase? where is it gone? Am I crazy? :-)

Thanks to everyone will respond... Even after a good googling around all info found gave for granted that there is a preference panel where you can enable decryption and insert keys... it it gone? No more sniffing for us? Is life so sad?

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answered 2019-12-18 23:50:41 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

I direct myself in Edit->Preferences->Protocols->802.11 Radio/Radiotap and... No "enable decryption" switch.

Try Edit > Preferences > Protocols > IEEE 802.11; that's where the "enable decryption" checkbox, and the "Edit" button for passphrases, is located.

"802.11 Radiotap" is for one mechanism for carrying radio-layer metadata; it's not for 802.11 packet contents. "802.11 Radio" is for a layer that shows radio-layer metadata in a mechanism-independent fashion; it's also not for 802.11 packet contents.

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Thank you very much. I know that was a dumb question...

mg gravatar imagemg ( 2019-12-24 08:06:55 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2019-12-18 21:33:55 +0000

Seen: 1,063 times

Last updated: Dec 24 '19