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2018-03-06 13:01:50 +0000 marked best answer why can I see the mqtt traffic only in the info column? (same for http)

Hello, I am writting my thesis and I connected a Raspberry Pi via Hotspot to my laptop.

I want to caputre the mqtt traffic for the Raspberry Pi. It works but I only can see the MQTT traffic in the info column. Why is it no own Protocol in the protocol column?

I would really appreciate it, if someone can help me.

Best regards

2018-03-06 13:01:50 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-03-06 12:32:53 +0000 commented question why can I see the mqtt traffic only in the info column? (same for http)

I am completely new in wireshark. This ist the link

2018-03-06 11:56:30 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-03-06 11:56:30 +0000 edited question why can I see the mqtt traffic only in the info column? (same for http)

why can I see only the mqtt traffic only in the info? (same for http) Hello, I am writting my thesis and I connected a R

2018-03-06 11:53:26 +0000 asked a question why can I see the mqtt traffic only in the info column? (same for http)

why can I see only the mqtt traffic only in the info? (same for http) Hello, I am writting my thesis and I connected a R

2018-03-06 11:46:30 +0000 asked a question Why can I see the MQTT Traffic only in the info node? (same for http)

Why can I see the MQTT Traffic only in the info node? (same for http) ![image description] Added is a screenshot of the