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2021-01-28 14:27:37 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-11-16 16:42:36 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

If anyone knows a way to trace how wireshark ends up with an uninstalled color map, let me know (I tried ltrace but I co

2019-10-30 06:30:05 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

It is all local and xv and gimp both display images fine. The colormap for xv is "0x22 (installed)". The same for gimp.

2019-10-30 06:29:30 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

It is all local and xv and gimp both display images fine. The colormap for xv is "0x22 (installed)".

2019-10-30 06:29:21 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

It is all local and xv and gimp both display images fine. The colormap for xv "0x22 (installed)".

2019-10-30 06:28:20 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

It is all local and xv and gimp both display images fine.

2019-10-28 18:41:01 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

It is Linux Mint 17 (Qiana), which is based on ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS (Trusty Tahr). I added the xwininfo output above and i

2019-10-28 18:40:35 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

It is Linux Mint 17 (Qiana), which is based on ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS. I added the xwininfo output above and it looks like t

2019-10-28 18:40:23 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

It is Linux Mint 17 (Qiana), which is based on ubuntu 14.06.6 LTS. I added the xwininfo output above and it looks like t

2019-10-28 18:38:19 +0000 edited question UI - background color in menus etc

UI - background color in menus etc I tried wireshark 2.6.6 on an older ubuntu system and found its color scheme practica

2019-10-26 19:39:06 +0000 commented question UI - background color in menus etc

Thanks! I added that information above.

2019-10-26 19:38:28 +0000 edited question UI - background color in menus etc

UI - background color in menus etc I tried wireshark 2.6.6 on an older ubuntu system and found its color scheme practica

2019-10-25 18:10:44 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-10-25 18:10:44 +0000 edited question UI - background color in menus etc

UI - background color in menus etc I tried wireshark 2.6.6 on an older ubuntu system and found its color scheme practica

2019-10-25 17:54:41 +0000 asked a question UI - background color in menus etc

UI - background color in menus etc I tried wireshark 2.6.6 on an older ubuntu system and found its color scheme practica