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2019-09-09 08:13:58 +0000 commented answer Filter out tls 1.2/1.3 app_data using tshark

Thanks. It seems to partially solve the problem. Now I have some sites in tls 1.2 and tls 1.3 filtered out too. It appe

2019-09-09 08:07:00 +0000 marked best answer Filter out tls 1.2/1.3 app_data using tshark


I use Wireshark 3.1.0 and tshark 3.0.3 in my dailywork and often have to analyse pcaps with huge amount of encrypted tls application data which I do not need.

I usually simply filter out those packets with the filter "not tls.app_data" on wireshark GUI which works fine but I would like to directly remove those packets from the source pcaps via an automated script using tshark.

I have tried :

tshark -F pcap -r source.pcap -w filtered.pcap -Y "not tls.app_data"

tshark -F pcap -r source.pcap -w filtered.pcap -Y "not (tls.record.content_type == 23 or tls.record.opaque_type ==23)"

In both commands only TLS 1 seems to be filtered out and the TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 packets are still there

tshark seems to not understand that tls 1.2 and tls 1.3 are to be considered as TLS packets.

I would like to remove only the application data, I still need to keep the other type of tls record.

Any help is welcome.

EDIT : Extra info my tshark is using : libpcap version 1.7.4, with GnuTLS 3.4.10, with Gcrypt 1.6.5,with zlib 1.2.8.

I'm starting to suspect that those lib version don't support TLS 1.2 or 1.3.

2019-09-09 08:07:00 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2019-09-05 14:14:17 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-09-05 14:14:17 +0000 edited question Filter out tls 1.2/1.3 app_data using tshark

Filter out tls 1.2/1.3 app_data using tshark Hello, I use Wireshark 3.1.0 and tshark 3.0.3 in my dailywork and often ha

2019-09-02 08:08:53 +0000 asked a question Filter out tls 1.2/1.3 app_data using tshark

Filter out tls 1.2/1.3 app_data using tshark Hello, I use Wireshark 3.1.0 and tshark 3.0.3 in my dailywork and often ha