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2024-05-25 07:56:35 +0000 asked a question IMAP server has unexpectedly disconnected

IMAP server has unexpectedly disconnected On a client machine, we receive quite regularly error messages from the mail c

2023-06-24 11:20:26 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-02-24 08:52:16 +0000 commented answer AP logs strong wifi noise signal

Somehow it's strange as the AP is located in a cellar where it should be unlikely to receive strong noise signals.

2023-02-24 08:48:29 +0000 commented answer AP logs strong wifi noise signal

Ok I feared the packet capture can't tell me anything ... Still thanks for you explanation +1

2023-02-24 08:45:04 +0000 marked best answer AP logs strong wifi noise signal

In the logs of my AP I see many log messages about a strong noise signal detection on channel 36.

23.02.23 21:02:21 [fritz.powerline] Eine sehr starke Störquelle wurde auf Kanal 36 (Frequenz 5.180 GHz) erkannt, automatischer Kanalwechsel ausgeführt.

23.02.23 21:02:10 [fritz.powerline] Eine sehr starke Störquelle wurde auf Kanal 36 (Frequenz 5.180 GHz) erkannt, automatischer Kanalwechsel ausgeführt.

23.02.23 21:01:59 [fritz.powerline] Eine sehr starke Störquelle wurde auf Kanal 36 (Frequenz 5.180 GHz) erkannt, automatischer Kanalwechsel ausgeführt.

23.02.23 21:01:40 [fritz.powerline] Eine sehr starke Störquelle wurde auf Kanal 36 (Frequenz 5.180 GHz) erkannt, automatischer Kanalwechsel ausgeführt.

After switching to channel 40 the log messages don't appear anymore.

I recorded a trace of the AP's Wifi interface:!AphLkdj_V9pOqAYTT...

I wonder if somebody can see any hint in the trace what could be the cause of the noise signal (I do not see anything)?

2023-02-23 20:47:58 +0000 edited question AP logs strong wifi noise signal

AP logs strong noise signal In the logs of my AP I see many log messages about a strong noise signal detection on channe

2023-02-23 20:46:50 +0000 asked a question AP logs strong wifi noise signal

AP logs strong noise signal In the logs of my AP I see many log messages about a strong noise signal detection on channe

2022-10-14 09:26:41 +0000 edited answer Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

As suggested by @Bob Jones, I recorded an OTA on 2.4 GHz (channel 6). Again it shows one device constantly switching be

2022-10-14 09:22:56 +0000 edited answer Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

As suggested by @Bob Jones, I recorded an OTA on 2.4 GHz (channel 6). Again it shows one device constantly switching be

2022-10-14 09:20:03 +0000 commented question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

@Bob Jones: please see

2022-10-14 09:19:04 +0000 answered a question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

As suggested by @Bob Jones, I recorded an OTA on 2.4 GHz (channel 6). Again it shows one device constantly switching be

2022-10-12 08:26:45 +0000 commented question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Thanks, I'll try to record an OTA. You write: ... when the original BSSID figures out the client left, and disassociat

2022-10-09 11:50:56 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airp

2022-10-09 11:50:11 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airp

2022-10-09 11:49:30 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airp

2022-10-09 11:49:04 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airp

2022-10-08 08:10:01 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airp

2022-10-08 08:08:52 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airp

2022-10-08 08:08:11 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airp

2022-10-08 08:05:44 +0000 edited question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airplay. The Access point

2022-10-08 08:05:19 +0000 asked a question Device constantly re-authenticating and switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz

Device constantly switching between 2.4 GHz/5GHz We encountered issues when playing music via Airplay. The Access point

2022-10-01 15:02:12 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-09-24 12:50:10 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-09-24 12:50:10 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-09-24 12:50:10 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-09-24 12:40:52 +0000 marked best answer DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

Users did report that visiting a web site via iPad/Safari fails. I found out that the reason a failing DNS query. This issue only applies to some websites (for others it works). Visiting one of the "failing" sites at the same time using an iPhone works.

One of the failing sites is I recorded a network trace on the router. In this trace I see a lot of succeeding DNS queries from (an iPhone). I see some other queries from 2003:ec:df10:1600:f419:5a6c:e4bc:f28e but I am not sure which device this is. The is a MacBook. The router's ip address is

I would like to know if the DNS query of failing iPad did actually reach the router. Unfortunately I do not know the ip address of the iPad. The iPad's hostname is "Abids-iPad".

My questions are: Is there a way to identify the device model in the trace? Does the trace indicate any DNS errors?


2022-09-24 12:40:31 +0000 commented answer DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

Thanks for this excellent explanation. Indeed I noticed there's another device with fixed ip address So

2022-09-24 12:39:36 +0000 commented answer DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

Thanks for this excellent explanation. Indeed I noticed there's another device with fixed ip address So

2022-09-22 11:38:14 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-09-22 11:38:14 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-09-21 08:47:48 +0000 commented answer Websites cannot be loaded - Wifi problem?

Thanks. Could you give me a hint how to identify SACK packets? I searched for "sack" in the trace but I'm not quite sure

2022-09-21 08:33:38 +0000 commented answer DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

Thanks this helped me a lot to identify the devices in the trace :-) (unfortunately I cannot upvote as I haven't enough

2022-09-20 11:09:35 +0000 edited question DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

DNS Query fails - did the query reach the router? Users did report that visiting a web site via iPad/Safari fails. I fou

2022-09-20 11:08:47 +0000 received badge  Associate Editor (source)
2022-09-20 11:08:47 +0000 edited question DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

DNS Query fails - did the query reach the router? Users did report that visiting a web site via iPad/Safari fails. I fou

2022-09-20 11:08:09 +0000 edited question DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

DNS Query fails - did the query reach the router? Users did report that visiting a web site via iPad/Safari fails. I fou

2022-09-20 11:07:03 +0000 edited question DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

DNS Query fails - did the query reach the router? Users did report that visiting a web site via iPad/Safari fails. I fou

2022-09-20 11:06:41 +0000 asked a question DNS query fails - did the query reach the router?

DNS Query fails - did the query reach the router? Users did report that visiting a web site via iPad/Safari fails. I fou

2022-09-20 11:06:39 +0000 asked a question DNS Query fails - did the query reach the router?

DNS Query fails - did the query reach the router? Users did report that visiting a web site via iPad/Safari fails. I fou

2022-09-19 12:02:55 +0000 asked a question Websites cannot be loaded - Wifi problem?

Websites cannot be loaded - Wifi problem? Hallo, users did encounter some strange problem where some websites cannot be

2022-04-03 07:22:03 +0000 edited question Timeout occurring quite regularly

Timeout occurring quite regularly I have a small network with a local database server (PostgreSQL) and 6 clients. It's a

2022-04-03 07:21:36 +0000 edited question Timeout occurring quite regularly

Timeout occurring quite regularly I have a small network with a local database server (PostgreSQL) and 6 clients. It's a

2022-04-03 07:21:12 +0000 edited question Timeout occurring quite regularly

Timeout occurring quite regularly I have a small network with a local database server (PostgreSQL) and 6 clients. It's a

2022-04-03 07:20:53 +0000 commented answer Timeout occurring quite regularly

I attached traces from both ends now.

2022-04-03 07:20:29 +0000 commented question Timeout occurring quite regularly

I anonymized traces using TraceWrangler and updated the issue.

2022-04-03 07:19:34 +0000 edited question Timeout occurring quite regularly

Timeout occurring quite regularly I have a small network with a local database server (PostgreSQL) and 6 clients. It's a

2022-03-29 19:51:13 +0000 edited question Timeout occurring quite regularly

Timeout occoring quite regularly I have a small network with a local database server (PostgreSQL) and 6 clients. It's al