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2021-11-30 21:43:42 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-04-03 05:22:23 +0000 received badge  Editor
2019-04-03 05:22:23 +0000 edited answer Wireshark does not decode content of NMR field.

Thanks,Christopher. I tryed to do it manually, i.e. to dissect it from dump byte-by-byte,but the problem is in source to

2019-04-03 05:20:30 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder
2019-04-03 05:20:30 +0000 answered a question Wireshark does not decode content of NMR field.

Thanks,Christopher. I tryed to do it manually, i.e. to dissect it from dump byte-by-byte,but the problem is in source to

2019-04-02 06:01:53 +0000 asked a question Wireshark does not decode content of NMR field.

Wireshark does not decode content of NMR field. Hi. i'm working with SIM-card pro-active command. So,i have an example o