2024-07-30 15:05:34 +0000 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2024-07-30 15:05:34 +0000 | edited answer | How do you uninstall Wireshark on Windows? The final answer was to delete the c:\program files\wireshark folder and reinstall. Uninstall-wireshark.exe and everyth |
2024-07-30 15:04:37 +0000 | answered a question | How do you uninstall Wireshark on Windows? The final answer was to delete the c:\program files\wireshard folder and reinstall. Uninstall-wireshark.exe and everyth |
2024-07-29 14:56:39 +0000 | commented question | How do you uninstall Wireshark on Windows? Uninstall-Wireshark.exe is nowhere in C:\Program Files\Wireshark. |
2024-07-29 14:54:51 +0000 | commented question | How do you uninstall Wireshark on Windows? The windows uninstaller is looking for uninstall-wireshark.exe, which does not exist, so it errors. |
2024-07-28 21:12:58 +0000 | received badge | ● Rapid Responder |
2024-07-28 21:12:58 +0000 | answered a question | How do you uninstall Wireshark on Windows? I'm using Windows 10. The uninstall folder containing uninstall-wireshark.exe was never installed with 4.2.6. Can someo |
2024-07-28 01:59:07 +0000 | asked a question | How do you uninstall Wireshark on Windows? Uninstall folder missing Cannot UNinstall recent versions. Uninstall program and folder missing. Can that folder be dow |