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2024-05-12 19:07:17 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-05-08 05:35:12 +0000 commented question Observe error message

I was referring about message error. I mean, is transmitted a message or not? Or is there communication a 10BASE-T1S lin

2024-05-07 06:40:47 +0000 asked a question Observe error message

Observe error message I wonder, while I am analyzing 10BASE-T1S ethernet protocol, can I see the error obviously? I mean

2024-04-30 17:32:43 +0000 commented question using 10BASE-T1S on wireshark

No, it's not duplicated. I couldn't get exactly answer with 10base-t1s decoding

2024-04-30 06:14:43 +0000 asked a question using 10BASE-T1S on wireshark

using 10BASE-T1S on wireshark Hello, I want to observe my 10base-t1s communication line on wireshark If I can. But I do

2024-04-29 07:00:36 +0000 commented answer 10BASE-T1S Decoding

Actually, I want to look errors on 10BASE-T1S protocol and electrical levels of this protocol. As I know, we can not obs

2024-04-29 06:53:52 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2024-04-29 06:53:52 +0000 answered a question 10BASE-T1S Decoding

Do you mean that I have no enough physical medium for 10BASE-T1S?

2024-04-27 07:44:00 +0000 asked a question 10BASE-T1S decoding

10BASE-T1S decoding Hello Dear Authorized, I am Melike and a student of electrical engineering. I am working on ethern

2024-04-27 07:42:39 +0000 asked a question 10BASE-T1S Decoding

10BASE-T1S Decoding Hello Dear Authorized, I am Melike and a student of electrical engineering. I am working on ethern

2024-04-27 07:42:38 +0000 asked a question 10BASE-T1S Decoding

10BASE-T1S Decoding Hello Dear Authorized, I am Melike and a student of electrical engineering. I am working on ethern