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2024-04-03 14:15:06 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2024-04-03 14:15:06 +0000 answered a question How can I get current display filter in Lua script with Tshark

I found two ways that seem to work: 1) pipe the output of one tshark ('-w -')to the input of a second tshark ('-r -').

2024-04-02 14:50:30 +0000 received badge  Organizer (source)
2024-04-02 14:47:25 +0000 asked a question How can I get current display filter in Lua script with Tshark

How can I get current display filter in Lua script with Tshark Hi, I'm writing a script in Lua I want to use with Tshar