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2024-03-03 20:16:18 +0000 commented question How to decode the first UDP datagram from UDP over socks5 interaction?

Or there might be a simper solution. I just want to decode add:port from the data part of the UDP datagram. I know the s

2024-03-02 19:41:41 +0000 commented question How to decode the first UDP datagram from UDP over socks5 interaction?

So, Am I getting it right that I need to write this socks_udp_dissector myself and there is no available implementation?

2024-03-02 08:41:33 +0000 commented question How to decode the first UDP datagram from UDP over socks5 interaction?

Here is the pcap file . I don't have enough point to attach co

2024-03-01 17:36:31 +0000 asked a question How to decode the first UDP datagram from UDP over socks5 interaction?

How to decode the first UDP datagram from UDP over socks5 interaction? Hi! I'm investigating the compatibility of openso

2024-02-23 14:12:16 +0000 asked a question Is there a way to analyse socks5 protocol and decode it?

Is there a way to analise socks5 protocol and decode it? Hi! I'm using none-default server port and successfully capturi