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2024-01-22 16:36:57 +0000 commented answer tcp socket for communication with hardware

oh i found it, had a wrong hex in my message, after comparing everything i found it now :-) Thank you for your kind supp

2024-01-22 15:54:10 +0000 commented answer tcp socket for communication with hardware

The pcap file was made with an android app called pcapdroid. 1.) start pcapdroid 2.) select the app you want to listen a

2024-01-21 20:49:09 +0000 commented answer tcp socket for communication with hardware

Thanks for taking a look into this. I assumed after sending, that the device responds with the next message... (the dif

2024-01-21 18:24:40 +0000 edited question tcp socket for communication with hardware

tcp socket for communication with hardware Hi, i have also posted my question on stack overflow and my questions migh

2024-01-21 18:23:14 +0000 commented question tcp socket for communication with hardware

yes of course, thanks @chuckc

2024-01-21 18:21:37 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2024-01-21 18:21:37 +0000 edited question tcp socket for communication with hardware

tcp socket for communication with hardware Hi, i have also posted my question on stack overflow and my questions migh

2024-01-21 16:11:05 +0000 asked a question tcp socket for communication with hardware

tcp socket for communication with hardware Hi, i have also posted my question on stack overflow and my questions migh