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2024-01-29 01:21:18 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-01-17 23:23:20 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-01-17 23:23:20 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-01-10 19:02:43 +0000 asked a question wireshark is installed, but cannot read manuf

wireshark is installed, but cannot read manuf I have installed wireshark on my computer, and I have a python script that

2024-01-10 18:59:05 +0000 asked a question wireshark is installed, but cannot read manuf

wireshark is installed, but cannot read manuf I have installed wireshark on my computer, and I have a python script that

2024-01-10 18:59:04 +0000 asked a question Why do I get this 'wireshark is installed, but cannot read manuf !' when I use wireshark?

Why do I get this 'wireshark is installed, but cannot read manuf !' when I use wireshark? I have installed wireshark on