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2023-11-22 13:40:08 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-10-31 14:55:25 +0000 marked best answer When every TCP transmission has a retransmission what is going on?

Pulled a 30-second trace from our main switch and found almost every single TCP transmission has a retransmission. I'm not sure what that means, but I doubt it's good. Our IT team is growing and I'm in the deep-end here, soaking up as much as I can from videos, but need some mentoring.

The topology looks like WAPS - Cisco 3560 Switch- Cisco 1841 Router - Internet

2023-10-31 14:55:25 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2023-10-20 15:41:36 +0000 answered a question How to shrink size of captured packets in multiple files?

Chris Greer did an interview/video where at the end he covered how he filters and merges a ton of data. Skip to the 1 h

2023-10-20 15:41:36 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-10-16 22:36:56 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2023-10-16 22:36:56 +0000 edited question When every TCP transmission has a retransmission what is going on?

When every TCP transmission has a retransmission what is going on? Pulled a 30-second trace from our main switch and fou

2023-10-16 21:25:24 +0000 answered a question How to Wireshark capture the traffic.

Depends on how you configure it. I went into our switch and configured it to mirror all the data passing through to the

2023-10-16 21:20:53 +0000 asked a question When every TCP transmission has a retransmission what is going on?

When every TCP transmission has a retransmission what is going on? Pulled a 30-second trace from our main switch and fou