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2024-02-20 01:17:42 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-05-08 02:02:41 +0000 asked a question Why is this Canon BJNP protocol in the Protocol Hierarchy Statistics?

Why is this Canon BJNP protocol in the Protocol Hierarchy Statistics? Here are 2 screenshots

2023-05-07 20:51:13 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-05-06 22:19:23 +0000 commented answer I see a malformed packet in Wireshark from a Google IP address on port 2400 using R-GOOSE protocol, what could this be?

Here are 2 screenshots

2023-05-06 22:07:36 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2023-05-06 22:07:36 +0000 edited question I see a malformed packet in Wireshark from a Google IP address on port 2400 using R-GOOSE protocol, what could this be?

I see a malformed packet in Wireshark from a Google IP address on port 2400 using R-GOOSE protocol, what could this be?

2023-05-06 00:49:52 +0000 asked a question I see a malformed packet in Wireshark from a Google IP address on port 2400 using R-GOOSE protocol, what could this be?

I see a malformed packet in Wireshark from a Google IP address on port 2400 using R-GOOSE protocol, what could this be?