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2023-03-10 11:30:12 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-01-12 09:34:43 +0000 commented answer Cant capture packets on Macbook M1

Thank you so much for letting me know. Much appreciate.

2023-01-11 05:23:14 +0000 commented answer Upgraded Mac M1 to Ventura 13.1. The upgrade broke Wireshark.

I am having the same issues as well.. Hope wireshark devs fix this sooner than later :(

2023-01-10 23:12:17 +0000 commented answer Cant capture packets on Macbook M1

Yes Running Venture and the solution you pasted works but once I reboot, it stops working. :(

2023-01-08 07:48:06 +0000 asked a question Cant capture packets on Macbook M1

Cant capture packets on Macbook M1 Hey, So I got MacBook M1 and having trouble in starting packet captures. Wireshark