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2022-12-06 12:09:08 +0000 commented answer OOPS: dissector table "terel2" doesn't exist

No TCP or UDP protocols. The piece of code I wrote is a modification from the packet-PROTOABBREV.c. I am really new to d

2022-12-05 11:44:57 +0000 commented answer OOPS: dissector table "terel2" doesn't exist

Hi Jaap, Thanks for you comment. Below is the code for register my new dissector void proto_register_TEREL2(void) { g

2022-12-05 08:59:37 +0000 asked a question OOPS: dissector table "terel2" doesn't exist

OOPS: dissector table "terel2" doesn't exist I have tried to add a new dissector named "terel2". Below is the piece of c