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2022-10-19 00:56:17 +0000 commented answer Can I reprogram / change the OUI using Wireshark, provided that it is not write protected / read only?

Guy, I was referring to this article: About 3/4 down:

2022-10-17 23:23:22 +0000 commented answer Can I reprogram / change the OUI using Wireshark, provided that it is not write protected / read only?

Thanks but I am not looking for the MAC address but the OUI. Anyway, you guys already answered my question, very much ap

2022-10-17 19:34:15 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder
2022-10-17 19:34:15 +0000 answered a question Can I reprogram / change the OUI using Wireshark, provided that it is not write protected / read only?

Thank you!

2022-10-17 19:06:04 +0000 asked a question Can I reprogram / change the OUI using Wireshark, provided that it is not write protected / read only?

Can I reprogram / change the OUI using Wireshark, provided that it is not write protected / read only? I am trying to de