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2024-07-11 16:05:41 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-07-11 16:05:41 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-10-05 06:29:45 +0000 answered a question cannot find the portableapps_package.vcxproj with wireshark3.6.8 / 4.1.0 tot win64

thanks, also found the problem that missing portableapps_package.vcxproj // Doesn't generate Portable vcxproj becuase i

2022-10-03 03:54:43 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2022-10-03 03:54:43 +0000 edited question cannot find the portableapps_package.vcxproj with wireshark3.6.8 / 4.1.0 tot win64

cannot find the portableapps_package.vcxproj with wireshark3.6.8 / 4.1.0 tot win64 hi sir, I want to build version3.6

2022-10-03 03:52:42 +0000 asked a question cannot find the portableapps_package.vcxproj with wireshark3.6.8 / 4.1.0 tot win64

cannot find the portableapps_package.vcxproj with wireshark3.6.8 / 4.1.0 tot win64 hi sir, I want to build version3.6

2022-09-17 05:34:07 +0000 commented answer how to add Lua dissector to support bluetooth vendor specific command and event

@Chunkc Thanks for the explain and reply Any suggestion to make this work ? May I ask what is the possible solution ?

2022-09-16 16:57:36 +0000 asked a question how to add Lua dissector to support bluetooth vendor specific command and event

how to add Lua dissector to support bluetooth vendor specific command and event Hi I try to add Lua-dissector to extend

2022-09-16 16:57:36 +0000 asked a question how to write Lua-dissector-script to extend bluetooth-vendor-specific-commands and events

how to write Lua-dissector-script to extend bluetooth-vendor-specific-commands and events Hi Sir, I want to write Lua-di