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2021-11-29 13:15:35 +0000 commented answer (TCP) Server responds FIN,ACK before getting ACK from Client

I'm not sure if should send all this ACK and the ending PSH,ACK not waiting for to give an A

2021-11-29 08:34:40 +0000 commented question (TCP) Server responds FIN,ACK before getting ACK from Client

The message sequence is what you'd normally expect, SYN from C, SYN,ACK from S... and then at the end a FIN,ACK from the

2021-11-28 21:23:24 +0000 asked a question (TCP) Server responds FIN,ACK before getting ACK from Client

(TCP) Server responds FIN,ACK before getting ACK from Client The Server responds to the Client and doesn't wait for the