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Jonathan Stone's profile - activity

2023-11-29 21:49:46 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-11-29 21:49:46 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-11-23 08:33:53 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder
2021-11-23 08:33:53 +0000 answered a question Any idea why this packet is being dropped?

Hi there, thanks for your response. Those packets are captured at the LAN interface of the firewall on the clock side.

2021-11-22 16:45:24 +0000 edited answer Any idea why this packet is being dropped?

No Time Source Destination IPID Proto Frame Len Info 1 0.0000 0x64a5 UDP 48 2 62227 -

2021-11-22 16:45:23 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-11-22 16:45:23 +0000 edited question Any idea why this packet is being dropped?

Any idea why this packet is being dropped? Having difficulty with a clock on one of our sites, connecting to head office

2021-11-22 16:44:48 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder
2021-11-22 16:44:48 +0000 answered a question Any idea why this packet is being dropped?

No Time Source Destination IPID Proto Frame Len Info 1 0.0000 0x64a5 UDP 48 2 62227 -

2021-11-22 15:30:43 +0000 asked a question Any idea why this packet is being dropped?

Any idea why this packet is being dropped? Having difficulty with a clock on one of our sites, connecting to head office

2021-11-22 15:30:43 +0000 asked a question Any idea why this packet is being dropped?

Any idea why this packet is being dropped? Having difficulty with a clock on one of our sites, connecting to head office