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2024-04-30 10:30:03 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-04-30 10:30:03 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-04-30 10:30:03 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-07-07 22:02:44 +0000 commented question Building 3.7.1 errors

Thanks for the insights - was able to successfully build following your advice.

2022-07-06 14:49:23 +0000 asked a question Building 3.7.1 errors

Building 3.7.1 errors I do not know where to ask this since I got the code from :

2021-07-13 10:49:25 +0000 commented answer WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

And BTW the reference to the old post above was SUPER helpful in understanding this thing better. I promise you none of

2021-07-13 10:17:05 +0000 marked best answer WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

Been playing for hours now so coming to the experts! I am pretty sure this is really a PCAP question but I can't figure out where to ask that either. Not so smart am i. At any rate been trying to set up a capture filter to gather everything to/from a particular OUI on wifi. The setup - mediatek wifi adapters on linux in monitor mode. Working great.

Using slicing I can do anything i want with wlan [0] == 0xnn and get the expected results. However, using any other byte, IE: wlan[1] == 0xnn for instance results in a null capture. Even though I am using nn that I know is byte two of the station. Of course, the more complicated forms don't work either such as wlan [0:2] ==0xnnnn and such.

Wish I had added. Tried with 3.2.15rc0 and v3.4.7rc0-42-ge479ced643a7 compiled natively on RPI also loaded 1.8.1 and 1.10.0 libpcap. Kernel is 5.10.17-v71+

2021-07-13 10:17:05 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2021-07-13 00:26:22 +0000 commented answer WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

That is what I was missing. Those four bytes caused me lots of pain. Thank you again.

2021-07-13 00:21:30 +0000 commented question WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

THANK YOU! This indeed works as expected!!!!!

2021-07-13 00:13:40 +0000 commented question WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

four bytes before the address start? is this something to do with the 802.11 frame format?

2021-07-13 00:12:31 +0000 commented question WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

Right - agree it should but it doesn't work. Hence my query.

2021-07-12 22:53:57 +0000 commented question WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

Thank you for your answer. I have read the man page many times ... because I miss stuff all the time. It is not helpin

2021-07-12 22:40:21 +0000 edited question WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

WLAN Capture Filter on OUI Been playing for hours now so coming to the experts! I am pretty sure this is really a PCAP

2021-07-12 22:35:18 +0000 commented question WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

capture filter for sure. need to reduce the clutter on the capture side.

2021-07-12 22:26:39 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-07-12 22:26:39 +0000 edited question WLAN OUI Filter

WLAN OUI Filter Been playing for hours now so coming to the experts! I am pretty sure this is really a PCAP question bu

2021-07-12 22:01:46 +0000 asked a question WLAN OUI Filter

WLAN OUI Filter Been playing for hours now so coming to the experts! I am pretty sure this is really a PCAP question bu

2021-07-12 22:01:46 +0000 asked a question WLAN Capture Filter on OUI

WLAN Capture Filter on OUI Been playing for hours now so coming to the experts! I am pretty sure this is really a PCAP