2022-11-07 21:43:41 +0000 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2021-03-05 16:26:12 +0000 | commented question | Heuristic Dissector is never called I don't think it was apparent , but I actually have a "debugger" that simply outputs a string (aka a poor man's debugger |
2021-03-05 10:48:43 +0000 | commented question | Heuristic Dissector is never called Sure but if I understand correctly, when receiving a chunk of "data", Wireshark tries to find a suitable sub-dissector a |
2021-03-04 22:51:53 +0000 | commented question | Heuristic Dissector is never called For your first question the answer is yes, it shows up as expected. I'm not sure I got your second question though. I ca |
2021-03-04 22:51:14 +0000 | commented question | Heuristic Dissector is never called For your first question the answer is yes, it shows up as expected. I'm not sure I got your second question though. I ca |
2021-03-04 19:32:56 +0000 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2021-03-04 19:32:56 +0000 | edited question | Heuristic Dissector is never called Heuristic Dissector is never called Hello! I was trying to write a dissector for a custom protocol. The supposed protoco |
2021-03-04 19:32:07 +0000 | asked a question | Heuristic Dissector is never called Heuristic Dissector is never called Hello! I was trying to write a dissector for a custom protocol. The supposed protoco |