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2019-11-29 17:27:16 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-02-24 06:55:01 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-02-24 06:55:01 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-10-24 11:08:41 +0000 answered a question How do I use SSH Remote Capture in Wireshark

With Wireshark v2.6.3 on Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) I got it to run with the following content for the "Remote capture

2018-05-03 11:54:15 +0000 marked best answer Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number?

I want to use a display filter to only show a certain range of frames. What works:

frame.number >= 20 && frame.number <= 30

I tried the more user friendly way with ranges, which does not work:

frame.number in { 20..30 }

Why is that? According to the user guide I would have expected the range notation to work with simple numbers like that.

(I tried with Version 2.2.6 on Debian 9 GNU/Linux and MS Windows 7 and with v2.4.5 also on Windows 7.)

2018-05-03 11:54:15 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-05-03 11:54:12 +0000 commented answer Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number?

You're right. I just saw it in the documentation and that seems to be bleeding edge (which is good). The 2.6.0 announcem

2018-05-03 11:50:45 +0000 edited question Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number?

Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number? I want to use a display filter to only show a certain range

2018-05-03 11:45:51 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-05-03 11:45:51 +0000 edited question Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number?

Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number? I want to use a display filter to only show a certain range

2018-05-03 10:18:02 +0000 received badge  Autobiographer
2018-05-03 09:02:48 +0000 asked a question Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number?

Why are ranges not possible in display filter frame.number? I want to use a display filter to only show a certain range