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2023-04-10 04:31:51 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-04-10 04:31:51 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-07-24 09:54:07 +0000 commented question Why do I get an error when setting monitor mode if the interface is monitor mode capable?

yes, I've brought the interface down and tried changing the mode then, but I got the same error message. I'll talk to th

2020-07-23 07:03:48 +0000 edited question Why do I get an error when setting monitor mode if the interface is monitor mode capable?

Why do I get an error when setting monitor mode if the interface is monitor mode capable? I have this features on my sys

2020-07-23 06:28:29 +0000 commented question Why do I get an error when setting monitor mode if the interface is monitor mode capable?

Thanks, Bob! I'll copy the output of your suggested commands: iwconfig ath0 mode monitor Error for wireless req

2020-07-23 06:27:31 +0000 commented question Why do I get an error when setting monitor mode if the interface is monitor mode capable?

Thanks, Bob! I'll copy the output of your suggested commands: iwconfig ath0 mode monitor Error for wireless req

2020-07-21 20:56:15 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-07-21 20:56:15 +0000 edited question Why do I get an error when setting monitor mode if the interface is monitor mode capable?

Changing managed interface to monitor mode comes back to manager I have this features on my system: iw list Wiphy phy4

2020-07-21 08:41:13 +0000 asked a question Why do I get an error when setting monitor mode if the interface is monitor mode capable?

Changing managed interface to monitor mode comes back to manager I have this features on my system: iw list Wiphy phy4