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2022-09-27 23:21:38 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-09-27 23:21:38 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-04-22 17:36:52 +0000 commented answer SIP sip.msg_body showing "1"

I possibly made some progress, if I dump the sip.msg_hdr field, the content is preset there. This doesn't seem right, bu

2020-04-22 17:34:55 +0000 commented answer SIP sip.msg_body showing "1"

I possibly made some progress, if I dump the sip.msg_hdr field, the content is preset there. This doesn't seem right, bu

2020-04-22 17:12:51 +0000 commented answer SIP sip.msg_body showing "1"

Running that command provides no output. (Ignore root, this is a Docker container so I have the same OS and TShark versi

2020-04-22 13:05:58 +0000 commented question SIP sip.msg_body showing "1"


2020-04-22 13:05:10 +0000 commented answer SIP sip.msg_body showing "1"

And which option is that, to display the raw sip message? I have tried hundreds of permutations of options.

2020-04-22 02:11:09 +0000 asked a question SIP sip.msg_body showing "1"

SIP sip.msg_body showing "1" With the tshark command: tshark -r 60f545a5a8e04c899a1d7f894ec34d42.pcap -T fields -e _ws