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tshark tmp file not stop growing

I am sending packets from tshark into elasticsearch:

tshark -i ens5 -T ek -x -j -l

My issue is that the tmp file still has the initial packet in it and continues to grow:

capinfos /tmp/wireshark_ens5_20190411122510_JlODTv.pcapng | grep time First packet time:
2019-04-11 12:25:10.637409777 Last packet time: 2019-04-15

Is there any method of pruning the tshark tmp file after the data has been sent to elasticsearch?


tshark tmp file not stop growing

I am sending packets from tshark into elasticsearch:

tshark -i ens5 -T ek -x -j -l

My issue is that the tmp file still has the initial packet in it and continues to grow:

capinfos /tmp/wireshark_ens5_20190411122510_JlODTv.pcapng | grep time First packet time:
2019-04-11 12:25:10.637409777 Last packet time: 2019-04-15

Is there any method of pruning the tshark tmp file after the data has been sent to elasticsearch?
