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Determine if python code was sent through port 80


I'm looking at a pcap where a connection was made through port 80 using http protocol. I plan on writing a snort rule that checks to see if a python script was sent in the contents of a packet rather than regular html (or anything to display a webpage). Is there any way I can determine if a script was sent without completely analyzing the contents of a packet? I would rather not use machine learning for this so I'm wondering if there a discrete way I can figure out if a script was sent.


Determine if python code was sent through port 80


I'm looking at a pcap where a connection was made through port 80 using http protocol. I plan on writing a snort rule that checks to see if a python script was sent in the contents of a packet rather than regular html (or anything to display a webpage). Is there any way I can determine if a script was sent without completely analyzing the contents of a packet? packet manually? I would rather not use machine learning for this so I'm wondering if there a discrete way I can figure out if a script was sent.sent.

The reason why I want to do this is to see if attackers are sending commands to malware through this port.
