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Can not filter SSL traffic.


Hi. I've started a simple client/server application using SSL. Both, client and service, were built using Java. The SSL functionality was provided by JSSE, and the server is listening on port number 7070. Despite of existence of a SSL filter, I can not view any SSL traffic when I use it. I am sure there is no errors on applications. Everything I can see is the certificates being sent over the network, but just when I use a TCP filter on stream.
Any explanation?

asked 12 Sep '11, 13:51

hwsilva's gravatar image

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One Answer:


Since you are running SSL on a non-standard port, you will have to tell Wireshark that traffic on port 7070 should be dissected as SSL. You can do this with "Analyze -> Decode as..." (also available in the right-click menus).

In "Decode As...", choose port 7070 and select SSL as the protocol to use for that port and click on OK.

answered 12 Sep '11, 14:17

SYN-bit's gravatar image

SYN-bit ♦♦
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