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How to resolve the brand or model from hardware address ?


Hi all, how do i resolve the brand or model from the MAC address i see in the wireshark below ? I understand every Ethernet hardware port has a unique MAC address with the first 3 bytes for manufacturer and the last 3 bytes from the manufacturer.

asked 07 Dec '16, 05:05

doran_lum's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Dec '16, 04:16

One Answer:


You don't. Brand/model information is not part of the OUI (Organizational Unique Identifier) is assigned by the IEEE on a per vendor/manufacturer basis, not on a vendor and model basis.

So the MAC address will not help you.

answered 07 Dec '16, 09:57

Amato_C's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%