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Which dissectortable to be used for a zigbee cluster

I have specific data in the payload of a ZCL message, for which I want the (decoded) data to be shown in the packet detail pane. It seems that i need to get the right dissector table for zigbee. In a tutorial I found an example for tcp; local tcp_port = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port"). I tried to figure out which table to use, but could get it found. I tried "zbee.zcl" and "zbee_zcL. Also tried on level higher in zigbee, with "zbee.nwk" and "zbee.aps". Which is the right table to be used in the lua script.

click to hide/show revision 2

Which dissectortable to be used for a zigbee cluster

I have specific data in the payload of a ZCL message, for which I want the (decoded) data to be shown in the packet detail pane. It seems that i need to get the right dissector table for zigbee. In a tutorial I found an example for tcp; local tcp_port = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port"). I tried to figure out which table to use, but could get it found. I tried "zbee.zcl" and "zbee_zcL. Also tried on level higher in zigbee, with "zbee.nwk" and "zbee.aps". Which is the right table to be used in the lua script.

click to hide/show revision 3

Which dissectortable dissector table to be used for a zigbee cluster

I have specific data in the payload of a ZCL message, for which I want the (decoded) data to be shown in the packet detail pane. It seems that i need to get the right dissector table for zigbee. In a tutorial I found an example for tcp; local tcp_port = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port"). DissectorTable.get("tcp.port"). I tried to figure out which table to use, but could get it found. I tried "zbee.zcl" and "zbee_zcL. Also tried on level higher in zigbee, with "zbee.nwk" and "zbee.aps". Which is the right table to be used in the lua script.