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Wireshark displays incorrect frame numbers for filtered data in second pass Analysis..

I am using the Wireshark 2.0.3 .While using tshark it is seen that frame numbers for unfiltered data and filtered data for the same packets are appearing different. The command that I am giving is as follows: tshark -r test.pcap

which will produce unfiltered data from the capture file


tshark -r test.pcap -R "...some criteria..." -2

which will give filtered data. On comparing the frame numbers it is seen that frame numbers for the same packets (with same time stamp,ttl ,seq num etc)are different. This happens only on second pass analysis. If I do a Single pass analysis

tshark -r test.pcap -Y "...some criteria..."

frame numbers are consistent.

Is it supposed to work this way? Or is it a Bug ?

Thanks and Best Regards, Akshay