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Wireshark error message “decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available” when decrypt SSL session


I have a pcap of a HTTPS session. When trying to decrypt it, it complained about "decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available". I have made sure I am not using DHE based cipher, but still getting the above message.
Wonder what cipher is supported by Wireshark (ver 1.8.2). Here is the debug file.

asked 12 Sep '15, 22:08

pktUser1001's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

Can you try the latest development version of Wireshark? Either your private key is wrong or you are affected by a very specific bug which is fixed in the development version (

(15 Sep '15, 14:02) Lekensteyn

Thanks @lekensteyn for the suggestion, I just downloaded the source and built it, still has the error "decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available". The pcap file URL is in the question, the cert and priviate key is here: Thanks!

(15 Sep '15, 14:50) pktUser1001