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How to run monitor mode on windows 7?


taking a wifi class and was told to use wireshark and capture data in 4 modes such as avs, radio tap and 802.11 and compare them but when I go to "edit interface settings and then link-layer header type only ethernet and DOCSIS comes up. does windows not support monitor mode or is it possibly my network card?

asked 19 Feb '15, 10:33

Nickb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Feb '15, 10:38

One Answer:


Ask your teacher what operating system he or she expects students to be using on their computers, because it sure ain't Windows - on Windows, WinPcap (which is what Wireshark uses to capture traffic) only supports those types of capture with an AirPcap adapter (if he or she expects you to use an AirPcap card, ask them to buy it for you!).

They may be expecting you to use a Linux box or a Mac (if they expect AVS and radiotap and 802.11-without-radio-data, they're probably expecting you to use a Mac); if so, ask them to buy that for you.

(You might want to learn about Wi-Fi somewhere else, if your teacher is so clueless as to assume nobody's running Windows or that everybody who is has an AirPcap adapter!)

answered 19 Feb '15, 19:37

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Thanks for the help! He ended up emailing everyone today about how he forgot to mention we couldn't do this with windows. He said same reason you gave me. I really aperciate the help!

(20 Feb '15, 10:58) Nickb

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(21 Feb '15, 00:56) grahamb ♦