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Dissector plugin dissector_add clarification

I am trying to write my very first dissector plugin, and I'm unsure about the first parameter of dissector_add_uint. The function is referenced in both the Wireshark Developer’s Guide and the packet-PROTOABBREV.c/README.dissector files. However, I'm not sure how to know what to choose for the first parameter (given in examples as "udp.port" and "tcp.port"). I am writing a dissector for a protocol that is not related to a standard protocol. Wireshark will receive that packet data either from either a file or the computer's USB port via UART/USB serial. Any additional information about how to know what goes in this parameter is welcomed. Thank you for your help.

Here is the function: dissector_add_uint( "udp.port", FOO_port, foo_handle );

click to hide/show revision 2

Dissector plugin dissector_add clarification

I am trying to write my very first dissector plugin, and I'm unsure about the first parameter of dissector_add_uint. dissector_add_uint. The function is referenced in both the Wireshark Developer’s Guide and the packet-PROTOABBREV.c/README.dissector packet-PROTOABBREV.c / README.dissector files. However, I'm not sure how to know what to choose for the first parameter (given in examples as "udp.port" and "tcp.port"). I am writing a dissector for a protocol that is not related to a standard protocol. Wireshark will receive that packet data either from either a file or the computer's USB port via UART/USB serial. Any additional information about how to know what goes in this parameter is welcomed. welcome. Thank you for your help.

Here is the function: dissector_add_uint( "udp.port", FOO_port, foo_handle );