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Tshark trace for WifiCalling Registration

Hello All,

How can i use tshark to filter diameter.User-Name in Wifi Registration scenario where the IMSI has a domain name I have an error message that the symbole "@" confuses the command

[XXXX@WHY-MKTA-1 ~]$ sudo tshark -n -s0 -i bond0.62 -R "" tshark: "@" was unexpected in this context.


Tshark trace for WifiCalling Registration

Hello All,

How can i use tshark to filter diameter.User-Name in Wifi Registration scenario where the IMSI has a domain name I have an error message that the symbole "@" confuses the command

[XXXX@WHY-MKTA-1 ~]$ sudo tshark -n -s0 -i bond0.62 -R "" "" tshark: "@" was unexpected in this context.


Tshark trace for WifiCalling Registration

Hello All,

How can i use tshark to filter diameter.User-Name in Wifi Registration scenario where the IMSI has a domain name I have an error message that the symbole "@" confuses the command

[XXXX@WHY-MKTA-1 ~]$ sudo tshark -n -s0 -i bond0.62 -R "" `""`
tshark: "@" was unexpected in this context.



Tshark trace for WifiCalling Registration

Hello All,

How can i use tshark to filter diameter.User-Name in Wifi Registration scenario where the IMSI has a domain name I have an error message that the symbole "@" confuses the command

[XXXX@WHY-MKTA-1 ~]$ sudo tshark -n -s0 -i bond0.62 -R `""`
tshark: "@" was unexpected in this context.
