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how to get right filter for private protocol decoded by lua plugin

I used to lua plugin to decode private protocol package , the special part is there have multiple data packets in one UDP packet. such as. [PrviatePacket 1] [PrviatePacket 2] [PrviatePacket 3], thanks lua plugin, these can be decoded in wireshark.

But when i use filter function , the right packet can't be displayed, such as I want to use " field1 == A && field2 ==B" as the filter , there have a lot packets was filtered , because if field1== A is in any of [PrviatePacket 1] [PrviatePacket 2] [PrviatePacket 3] and field2== B is in any of [PrviatePacket 1] [PrviatePacket 2] [PrviatePacket 3], this UDP packet will be treated as filtered, so how to solve this to get right filter ?