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Is this the download link for wiresharkwin64?


I was trying to download wireshark from your website but no matter what I could not open it after it finished downloading. I was wondering if you could confirm if the following is the downloading link.

The second picture is the webpage in my browser.

The third picture is the link in my side.

If you have been seeing weird traffic in your website for unknown reasons, it is highly likely that it started after I caught something magically starting from December 2023, and these 5/6 people behind it are into sibling mating, rape and torture.

Sorry for the trouble.

Thank you and best Regards,

Is this the download link for wiresharkwin64?


I was trying to download wireshark from your the website but no matter what I could not open it after it finished downloading. I was wondering if you could confirm if the following is the downloading link.

The second picture is the webpage in my browser.

The third picture is the link in my side. xe // spaces

If you have been seeing weird traffic in your website for unknown reasons, it is highly likely that it started after I caught something magically starting from December 2023, and these 5/6 people behind it are into sibling mating, rape and torture.

Sorry for the trouble.

Thank you and best Regards,Thanks!

click to hide/show revision 3

Is this the download link for wiresharkwin64?


I was trying to download wireshark from the website but no matter what I could not open it after it finished downloading. I was wondering if you could confirm if the following is the downloading link. xe xe // spaces

Note the space in ".e xe".

If you have been seeing weird traffic in your website for unknown reasons, it is highly likely that it started after I caught something magically starting from December 2023, and these 5/6 people behind it are into sibling mating, rape and torture.

Sorry for the trouble.


Is this the download link for wiresharkwin64?


I was trying to download wireshark from the website but no matter what I could not open it after it finished downloading. I was wondering if you could confirm if the following is the downloading link. xe

Note the space in ".e xe".

If you have been seeing weird traffic in your website for unknown reasons, it is highly likely that it started after I caught something magically starting from December 2023, and these 5/6 people behind it are into sibling mating, rape and torture.edit: removed offensive text

Sorry for the trouble.
