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Unable to view my smartphone packets on my wifi

I am trying to emulate this video which makes viewing smartphone activity seem so easy:

My setup:

Ubuntu 22.04 Wireshark 3.6.2

I have created a virtual Interface so that I can set it to monitor mode. When I go to Capture Options, Monitor Mode is "--" under both my wifi interface (wlp0s20f3 set to managed mode) and also my virtual interface (mon0 set to monitor mode). Is this normal?

I've entered wpa-psk key from Wiresharks wpa-psk tool to the Decryption keys window. I've also added the wpa-pwd password as well.

I can only access Channel 1 on Wireshark. If I try to change it on the toolbar I get "unable to set channel or offset." So I logged into my wifi and made sure it was using Channel 1.

I've kicked my phone off of the wifi and put it back on and don't see any eapol data from my phone. I've used the ubuntu commands to turn off and on the wifi interface, the virtual interface, the network manager.

In the youtube video it's so easy! Any suggestions for where I should go from here?